The way things have changed in our world could have never been predicted. We never would have known to prepare for what was before us but God did. In early 2020 God dropped the biggest blessing in our lap with a new building for us to grow and expand. We felt confident in our ability to grow our programs over the next few years but again, God had other plans. We hadn’t so much as received the key when we were called to action. We immediately got to work feeding not only children but families across Mecosta County as the pandemic swept our nation.
“We will get through this and then we will really work on growing.” is what we thought…. but God works in such intentional ways, and before we knew it we were packing food for entire families, delivering across the county, assembling Crock-Pot kits, recording virtual cooking tutorials and feeding children, families, college students and seniors monthly during our mobile food pantry.
At the end of October, God introduced us to the need in Osceola County and with open arms, we accepted the responsibility. We were called to serve our community in the greatest capacity…. making sure no one goes hungry. As we approached the holidays and the uncertainty around every corner, the last thing any child in either county should be uncertain of is where their next meal will come from.

This video follows the journey we’ve been on alongside the journey of a family who we have been able to bless over the last few months. It also follows the journey we are on with all of you.
You may never get to see how your donations each year provides for our mission to continue.
You may never get to see the $100 in raffle tickets you bought paid for an entire family to have one warm Crock-Pot meal each week.
You may never get to see the ten-year-old boy who prepares meals for his younger siblings while his parents work to make ends meet.
You may never see the little girl who went to bed happier because her Mom was just a little less stressed about food.
You may never see it, but we see it every single day. We see the difference YOU make in this community.
Everything around us may look different and feel different but your hearts for these children and families haven’t changed. We may have had to cancel every event this year, but loving and giving have not been cancelled.
Because of YOU, we do not have to cancel on those who depend on us every single week. Because of YOU and your vigilant support children all around you will not go to sleep hungry tonight.
Thank you for your hope, your courage, your love, and your support even through strange times. It really is all because of you and we could not be more grateful for your trust in us to see it through.